Salba has made a significant difference to my overall health and energy level.
The recommended two tablespoons of Salba is included in my breakfast each day.
I ask a lot of my fifty-six year-old body. I spend an average of two hours and up to four hours a day exercising:lap swimming, in line skating, tennis, cycling, hiking, racing a small sailboat.
Not only do I have more energy while enjoying these sports, but at the end of the day, I am not fatigued and feel really well, with plenty of energy
left for maintenance jobs around the house and garden.
At my recent physical, my blood work was excellent and my blood pressure was the lowest its been in years!
I am confident Salba maintains and safeguards my health.
Margaret Duncan
Please comment on the effect Salba has on thining a persons blood. Could there be problems of the blood becoming too thin if a person is eating salba and taking 81mg. baby aspirin????????Should Salba be taken after morning medications??I have been told it could cause impaired absorption of medications???I can not find answers to these questions
Merry Christmas! Let the new year will bring a lot of money
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