A plant based diet with salba is the fastest way to reach ultimate health
Breakfast: Banana Cereal
- 1 banana, sliced
- 100g uncooked or cooked oats
- 1 glass Fortified soy-milk
- 2 brazil nuts, sliced
- 3g salba (or more), whole seed
Mix all of the ingredients into a bowl and enjoy!
- 1 apple
- 1 banana
- 1 glass of water
Lunch: Spinach Salad with a sesame dressing
- 1 cup spinach
- 10 almonds
- 3g salba (or more), whole seed
- 1 red bell pepper
Mix the spinach, almonds, salba and bell pepper together
- Dressing: 1 T olive oil , ½ T vinegar, 1 T Tahini (sesame paste)
- 1 glass of orange juice
- 1 cup of vegetable stock
- 3g Salba (or more) to mix in with your soup, ground or whole salba
- 1 glass of water
Dinner: Curry
- 5 small potatoes, cooked and cubed
- 100g broccoli
- 150g organic tofu
- 1 T coconut oil
- 30g onions
- 1 garlic clove
- 1 inch ginger, grated
- 30ml water
- 3 g salba (or more), ground or whole
Heat the coconut oil, saute the onions and Tofu until they are slightly brown. Add potatoes, water, garlic, ginger and broccoli and saute this for 15 minutes. Add spices to taste: salt, pepper, herbs.
- 1 glass of orange juice
- 1 cup blueberries
- 1 orange
- 1 pear
Calories 1800 Sodium 1254mg Vitamin A 800mg Vitamin D 0mg
Protein 64g Potassium 4420mg Vitamin E 19mg Vitamin B12 0mg
Total fat 66g Calcium 1121mg Vitamin B1 1.62mg Omega 3 2.5g
Saturated fat 8g Magnesium 640mg Vitamin B2 1.19mg
Cholesterol 0g Iron 18,2mg Vitamin B6 2.35mg
Carbohydrates 230g Selenium 110mg Folic Acid 405mg
Fibre 57g Zink 21mg Vitamin C 358mg
This day menu is completely balanced and super healthy; however a plant based diet is low in vitamin D and B12 and needs to be supplemented.
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