Tuesday, November 20, 2007

An Ancient Grain…… how exciting could this possibly be?

Two weeks ago I was given the opportunity to come on-board and work for Source Salba. I didn’t really know what to expect, dealing with a grain that doesn’t really taste like much, in an industry I had never been involved in before… but to my surprise it has been an exciting and eye-opening couple of weeks. I have immersed myself in the products I represent, but nothing prepared me for the level of dedication and passion my fellow co-workers at Source Salba exhibit for our product. When you truly believe in a product and your goal is to improve people’s lives with it; you don’t need to sell it – your enthusiasm is inspiration enough for people to give it a try. I have been pleasantly surprised by how progressive a company Source Salba is, while maintaining a grass-roots approach coupled with a “customers first” philosophy. Certainly a place I can see myself growing as a professional.
Salba’s head office is not some faceless, cubicle-ridden labyrinth; instead a small, intimate environment that allows for the free exchange of ideas with the support structure and knowledge to ensure that all our customers get the best and most accurate product information and advice we can offer. It’s a refreshing change to work for a company that cares more about the people that use their product than how much they can convince them to buy. My initial trepidations about the limitations of working with a niche product were quickly absolved as I learned about Salba’s wonderful attributes and its plethora of applications. Upon my co-workers insistence, I too started the two-tablespoons-a-day lifestyle with Salba whole grain and the results have been astonishing! After my first two weeks here, it has become quite apparent why Source Salba has been so successful. Having an honest product and being customer-driven and health-focused with a genuine interest in making people’s lives better has not been refreshing and reassuring only for me, but for everyone who comes in contact with Source Salba.


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