Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) provides us with a method of measuring the overall antioxidant power of foods and supplements. Antioxidants are essential to good health, especially with respect to aging and age related disorders. Scientists have learned that phytochemicals, including antioxidants, increase our resistance to disease and boost immunity. Hence the recommendation of 5-9 servings of fruits and vegatables each day.
Simply put, the higher the ORAC value of food the more antioxidant power it contains. The focus on "foods" is significant as scientists have found that antioxidants are most effective when received from a whole food.
The chart below shows the fruits and vegetables found to be highest in antioxidants. ORAC numbers shown are for 100 grams, the higher the ORAC number, the greater the amount of antioxidants in the food.
3,000 to 5,000 ORAC units per day are required
Studies show that the average person gets only about 1200 ORAC units per day from 3 servings of fruits and vegetables.
However 3,000 to 5,000 ORAC units per day are required to have a significant impact on plasma and tissue antioxidant capacity.
The analysis we just had done by Brunswick labs showed
that the total ORAC value of Salba grain is 70 TE per GRAM. TE stands
for triox equivalents. The hydrophilic is 68, and the lipophilic is 2,
to give the total of 70!
This is an extremely high value. To put this into perspective, Salba, a
whole seed, has a higher level of antioxidants than blackberries, strawberries, bluberries, grapes,
raisins, prunes, broccoli, cherries, spinach.
The good news 2 tablespoons (12g = recommended daily) Salba contains about 840 ORAC units!
4 tablespoons of Salba contains about an ORAC value of 1680, this is 56% of your daily ORAC needs.
Scientists have determined that whole plant foods which are high in antioxidants are more effective for good health than isolated antioxidant supplements.
Salba 7,000
Prunes 5,770
Raising 2,830
Blueberries 2,400
Kale 1,770
Cranberries 1,750
Spinach, raw 1,260
Broccoli 890
Grapes, red 739
Banana 221
Tomato 189
Spices, cloves, ground 314,446
Apples, raw, with skin 1 med (182) 5,609
Cocoa, dry powder, unsweetened 80,933
Candies, chocolate, dark 20,823
Blueberries, raw 1/2 cup (74) 4,848
Hmmm...I looked this up after reading some hype about this great new "AntiOxidant" rated at 450!!!!
are we getting stupider...????
The above data was taken from:
S. Bhagwat, D.B.Haytowitz, and J.M.Holden
Nutrient Data Laboratory, Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center,
Beltsville, MD 20705
So...with all the hype about "ORAC" it seems the old saying goes...
"An APPLE a day keeps the DOC away...!"
Oh...and another thing...I hate it when large corporations PATENT A FOOD...
UNO is Numero UNO !!!! Well done Uno, I could not of said it better.
When Salba Co. has to come down to the blogs to beg borrow and steal then we know they are worried about the Aztec Black Chia!
Their copywriter should be raked over the coals after they are fired for absolutely false and misleading comments like: The Aztecs having been around from 3,500 BC as they claim on their ad to the right of the Blog'
The Aztecs on Lake Tezcoco (now, Mexico City)were around for roughly 400 years between late 1100 AD and 1500 AD ...boy, was he off a bit. The toltecs were before the Aztecs for much longer and the Olmecs could date back to 3,500 BC maybe.
Anyway, Salba's ORAC is really quite low (actually very low) by Chia standards, they should get their facts right.
We grow Chia in Aztec country and just got back an ORAC of 122 and from Brunswick Labs to boot, the same they used. And no, I am not going to Hype up our crop. just give another "Shout Out" to UNO the NUMERO UNO !!!!!
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So as I was saying, our Chia seeds, grown right in the main agricultural hub of the ancient Nahuatl (aztec and pre-aztec) region, has this amazing ORAC test result of 122, tested from the same labs (Brunswick) as the trademark brand, Salba.
Salba - yes it's just normal Chia with a hype name - claims that theirs tested at 68 and coupled with the Phenolics came in at 70. Ours on the other hand with the Phenolics, tested at 128 umols/per gram. I think hands down, I can say that the closer you grow to the ethno-botanical origins of a plant the better your phyto nutrient potential will be, at least for Chia anyway.
After all, the Peruvians took the Chia from Mexico, or actually the Canadian-Salbanians must of taken it to Peru because there is no documented historical codex records showing the Incas spreading Chia seeds around, not to my knowledge anyway. I would be happy to hear of information from someone that shows the Inca codices with mention of the Chia seed.... for more info on our Chia please go to our work in progress website at www.chiaseedgrowers.com
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Plenty of the required nutrients depending the crop. These are Soil, Water and Sun.
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For circumstance in stage, an $80 massage could be purchased by the purchaser for $forty through Groupon, and then Groupon and the retailer would break up the $40. That is, the retailer delivers a therapeutic therapeutic massage valued at $eighty and will get about $twenty from Groupon for it (beneath a fifty%/fifty% break up). Or, if $240 really really worth of residence portray solutions is obtained by the customer for $50 by way of Groupon, then the organization receives $twenty 5 and Groupon retains $25. The purchaser will get the therapeutic massage, or the house portray provider, in these illustrations, from the retailer for which they to get started with paid out out $forty (or $fifty) to Groupon. There are specified businesses to which Groupon originally did not offer you you its suppliers, like capturing ranges and strip clubs however, taking photos ranges have been highlighted on Groupon.
Not like categorised marketing, the merchant does not pay out any upfront value to participate: Groupon collects person details from inclined shoppers and then contacts only these consumers, largely by every day e-mail, who could perhaps be fascinated in a unique product or service.
Groupon employs a big variety of copywriters who draft descriptions for the special discounts featured by e mail and on the website. Groupon's promoting textual articles for the 'deals' has been noticed as a contributing issue to the recognition of the net internet site, that includes a unique mix of full truth-checking and witty humor.
Owing to Groupon's market place currently being mostly composed of woman buyers, the bargains are usually centered on the nicely getting, actual physical health and fitness and splendor marketplaces.
There are possible problems with the group merchandise. For illustration, a successful deal could briefly swamp a very small company with way too many customers, jeopardizing a probability that consumers will be dissatisfied, or that there will not be ample solution to fulfill the demand from clients. Gap, a enormous clothing retailer, was in a placement to deal with 445,000 discount coupons in a nationwide deal (although it experienced server issues at a single level), but a more compact firm could turn into out of the blue flooded with purchasers. 1 espresso shop in Portland, Oregon struggled with an enhance in consumers for three months, when it offered shut to 1,000 Groupons on the 1 working working day it was supplied, in accordance to a one report. In reaction to equivalent concerns, Groupon officers condition that 'deal' subscriptions should to be capped in progress to a wise variety.
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